Second conference

Current concepts in
paediatric MS

Second conference, June 2019

  • The latest research and clinical insights on the theme Current concepts in paediatric MS
  • An expert panel discussion on a current controversy ‘Clinical trials in paediatric MS should be conducted for study drugs with established efficacy in adult MS’

About this event

The second of our global conferences took place on 11 June 2019 and showcased the latest insights on the theme: Current concepts in paediatric MS. The second conference offered a diverse mix of presentations and engaging discussion on the ‘hot topic’ debate on the motion ‘Clinical trials in paediatric MS should be conducted for study drugs with efficacy in adult MS’.

The conference theme chosen by the Scientific Steering Committee brought paediatric MS to the forefront, enabling participants to gain further knowledge and ask questions to leading experts in the field.

We are committed to ensuring that our conferences are inclusive for all those involved in the study and treatment of MS. We also ensure the content of our conferences are available post-meeting to continue discussion and share information on these important topics.




00:03:59 Introduction
Chairs: Reem Bunyan, KSA, and Brenda Banwell, USA
00:09:51 Keynote Presentation : Anti-MOG antibodies and their implication for care of children with demyelinatio
Yael Hacohen, UK
00:27:41 Q&A: Diagnosis and differential diagnosis of paediatric MS
Cheryl Hemingway, UK
00:39:10 Risk factors for paediatric MS
Jennifer Graves, USA
00:57:06 Cognitive impairment in paediatric MS
Maria Pia Amato, Italy
01:02:57 Keynote presentation: Management of paediatric MS
Tanuja Chitnis, USA
01:27:50 Q&A: Company-sponsored satellite: Novartis Pharma AG: Challenges and future outlook for management of paediatric-onset MS
Cheryl Hemingway, UK
01:46:49 Current Controversy: ‘Clinical trials in paediatric MS should be conducted for study drugs with established efficacy in adult MS’: Moderator’s introduction and audience vote, position statements, expert panel discussion.
Gavin Giovannoni, UK - expert panel:Brenda Banwell, USA, Reem Bunyan, KSA, Tanuja Chitnis, USA, and Saúl Reyes, Colombia
02:18:19 Summing up: Conclusion and thanks
Chairs: Reem Bunyan, KSA, and Brenda Banwell, USA
02:31:24 Meeting close
Chairs: Reem Bunyan, KSA, and Brenda Banwell, USA

Scientific programme


Conference open

Free time to explore the exhibit and poster halls



Chairs: Reem Bunyan, KSA, and Brenda Banwell, USA


Keynote presentation

Anti-MOG antibodies and their implication for care of children with demyelinatio

Yael Hacohen, UK



Diagnosis and differential diagnosis of paediatric MS

Cheryl Hemingway, UK


Risk factors for paediatric MS

Jennifer Graves, USA



Cognitive impairment in paediatric MS

Maria Pia Amato, Italy


Keynote presentation

Management of paediatric MS

Tanuja Chitnis, USA




Free time to explore the exhibit and poster halls


Company-sponsored satellite

Novartis Pharma AG

Challenges and future outlook for management of paediatric-onset MS

Cheryl Hemingway, UK


Current controversy

‘Clinical trials in paediatric MS should be conducted for study drugs with established efficacy in adult MS’

Moderator’s introduction and audience vote

Gavin Giovannoni, UK

Position statements

For: Saúl Reyes, Colombia

Against: Reem Bunyan, KSA

Expert panel discussion

Brenda Banwell, USA, Reem Bunyan, KSA, Tanuja Chitnis, USA, and Saúl Reyes, Colombia

Summing up


Conclusion and thanks

Chairs: Reem Bunyan, KSA, and Brenda Banwell, USA


Meeting close


Since it was broadcast during work hours caught only bits and pieces…happy to know it is available online for 4 weeks and I can view it when I want…thanks

Delegate feedback

It was a very impressive effort and very useful – I hope to see more of these conferences

Delegate feedback

Love the range of formats and environments evident throughout; podium-style; green screen; round table; home office. Added to the organic nature and accessible experience of the vent. That is, whatever it takes to get the right people in the room’ which of course the goal. Appreciated too the diversity of the presenters in all regards subspecialty clinician/research, and gender.

Delegate feedback