Second conference
Second conference, June 2019
13:30 |
Conference openFree time to explore the exhibit and poster halls |
14:00 |
IntroductionChairs: Reem Bunyan, KSA, and Brenda Banwell, USA |
14:05 |
Keynote presentationAnti-MOG antibodies and their implication for care of children with demyelinatioYael Hacohen, UK Q&A |
14:20 |
Diagnosis and differential diagnosis of paediatric MSCheryl Hemingway, UK |
14:30 |
Risk factors for paediatric MSJennifer Graves, USA Q&A |
14:40 |
Cognitive impairment in paediatric MSMaria Pia Amato, Italy |
14:50 |
Keynote presentationManagement of paediatric MSTanuja Chitnis, USA Q&A |
15:05 |
BreakFree time to explore the exhibit and poster halls |
15:15 |
Company-sponsored satelliteNovartis Pharma AG Challenges and future outlook for management of paediatric-onset MSCheryl Hemingway, UK |
15:35 |
Current controversy‘Clinical trials in paediatric MS should be conducted for study drugs with established efficacy in adult MS’Moderator’s introduction and audience vote Gavin Giovannoni, UK Position statementsFor: Saúl Reyes, Colombia Against: Reem Bunyan, KSA Expert panel discussionBrenda Banwell, USA, Reem Bunyan, KSA, Tanuja Chitnis, USA, and Saúl Reyes, Colombia Summing up |
16:20 |
Conclusion and thanksChairs: Reem Bunyan, KSA, and Brenda Banwell, USA |
16:30 |
Meeting close |
Current concepts in paediatric MS0.19MB PDF |
Speaker biographies0.42MB PDF |
Since it was broadcast during work hours caught only bits and pieces…happy to know it is available online for 4 weeks and I can view it when I want…thanks
Delegate feedback
It was a very impressive effort and very useful – I hope to see more of these conferences
Delegate feedback
Love the range of formats and environments evident throughout; podium-style; green screen; round table; home office. Added to the organic nature and accessible experience of the vent. That is, whatever it takes to get the right people in the room’ which of course the goal. Appreciated too the diversity of the presenters in all regards subspecialty clinician/research, and gender.
Delegate feedback